The afterglow of the Mile of Music festival in Appleton

The 10th edition of the Mile of Music is in the books. Although music fans were certainly weary from a weekend full of music, the final day made for magical moments for those who could power through until the end.
Kansas City, Missouri harpist Calvin Arsenio got a standing ovation while performing in the “Songs Before We Go” at the Lawrence University Chapel. His song about the angst of love drew people to their feet during a beloved portion of the festival where musicians representing each genre of music get a chance to perform one more song before everybody heads their separate ways.
Local 5’s Michele McCormack was in the back row and saw firsthand how the music touched one festival-goer who couldn’t form the clapping motion with his hands but made several vocalizations to show how even with his barriers of communication the music was getting through.
At the Gibson’s venue, Appleton-based Christopher Golden and the New Olds rocked their original songs but then brought the crowd to a hush and some to tears with an acoustic military tribute.
“My war is over, no more battles left to fight, no more hymns to be sung,” went part of the song. “My war is over, I’m coming home, though I know not what I come home to. My war is over and home to me is coming back to you.”

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The afterglow of the Mile of Music festival in Appleton

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